Updates and Valentine’s Day Sale

Well, it seems the year is off to a rocky start for the hashtag writing community. Lots of drama making the rounds on Elon’s X, some of it bleeding over from TikTok, an app whose choppy waters I’ve yet to brave. It’s been a rocky year for me personally, too, but I’m determined to make the coming months positive and productive.

I’ve been working on a lot of blog content and will be rolling out some new posts soon. Topics include my future publishing trends predictions, thoughts on recent writing community drama, recommendations for how literary agents could make querying an easier experience for authors, and more. Keep an eye out for fresh hot takes!

With Valentine’s Day approaching, I thought I’d offer an editing sale. This time I’ll keep it simple: 50% off a full manuscript critique. Visit my editing services page to learn more about my critiques, or use the contact form below to get in touch if you’re interested.

Finally, I’ve made the commitment to writing my own novel this year, and I’ve been developing an idea in my spare time, with the hope of scheduling some time off in the coming months to get started. It’s been difficult to find the headspace to take on my own writing project these past few years, but I hope with the recent changes to how I schedule edits, I’ll be sharing updates of my own WIP soon.

That’s all! Thanks for reading and I promise more interesting content is coming!


Use the form below to get in touch.

2 thoughts on “Updates and Valentine’s Day Sale

  1. Wow, comments didn’t even show up on the page until after I clicked specifically on the comment button in the email.

    Controversy doesn’t seem to be anything new in the writing “community”. I left Twitter years ago because the writing community was controlled by a few cliques that bullied everyone into line about what was or wasn’t an acceptable story, etc… Men couldn’t write romance, if anything at all. Consent has to literally be written out on paper by characters, you can’t ever have a character of certain groups portrayed in a remotely negative way, etc… Look what they did to JK Rowling just for insisting that she had the right to be called a woman instead of someone who menstruates.

    TikTok… All the toxicity of X, plus it’s a Chinese state made spyware platform also.


  2. Please excuse if this is a duplicate comment, but I wanted to say I am so glad to have found you! Your editorial suggestions for the first chapter of my novel helped me make it so much stronger. I am hopeful that now I will be able to penetrate the Wall of Agent Indifference! Best of luck with your own writing. You have certainly accrued a lot of great karma through helping other writers so generously.


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